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Todd Sowerby

Chief Warrant Officer 4
U.S. Army Special Forces, Retired


Todd grew up in Kansas & Missouri, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and culminated almost 31 years of service to the nation before retiring as a Commissioned Chief Warrant Officer 4.  He served in the 1st Infantry Division & 3rd Armored Division as an Cavalry Scout & Drill Sergeant.  After being selected for U.S. Army Special Forces earning his Green Beret, Todd served with the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) conducting Alpine Mountain & Arctic Operations as an Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) Weapons Sergeant, Sniper Team Section Leader, Intelligence Sergeant, ODA Team Sergeant, ODA Assistant Detachment Commander, SF Company B-Team Operations Warrant Officer, SF ODA Detachment Commander, HAVE ACE Training Detachment Commander & Joint Ground Liaison Officer to U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command, and SF Group S35 Exercise & Plans Officer.


Todd is a combat veteran, he served multiple tours overseas in the Persian Gulf, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Africa.  Additionally, Todd was the first Soldier to safely Military Free Fall (MFF) Jumpmaster the AFSOC CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, and the first U.S. Army Special Operation Officer to be presented both the U.S. Air Force Achievement & Accommodation Medals for Leadership & Excellence. 


In 2011, after accumulating over 225 Static-line Airborne Jumps and 557 Military Free-fall parachute jumps, Todd was injured during a Night Training Exercise HALO jump.  After 8-hours, surgeons were able to save his arm from amputation. After recovery, Todd was taken off jump status and placed on the Special Forces Group Tactical Operations Planning Staff until his retirement in 2012.  Todd is a disabled veteran, and part of the USSOCOM Veterans Care Coalition.  


Todd now resides in Missouri where he runs a small farm with his wife, Julie, who was also an Army Veteran both Enlisted & Officer.  Todd is qualified in Emergency Management and currently works for the Air Force Reserve as a Civilian Exercise Program Director.  He attended the Battle Dawgs (BD) Summer Camp where he learned to fly-fish, and also volunteered as a BD Winter Camp Mentor during Iditarod Race 2018. Training America’s Warriors to go in harm’s way and win remained his steadfast priority throughout his military career.  Now he is committed to assisting other veterans and their families to also be successful in their life endeavors, and know they’re not alone.

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Battle Dawgs
PO BOX 965

WILLOW, AK 99688

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